Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to Remove an Extra Operating System Iclude (Boot Menu)

If you have more then one operating system installed or wish to remove an operating system from the boot menu, you can use the following information.

1.Click on Start, Control Panel
, System, Advanced.

2.Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings.

3.Under Default Operating System, choose one of the following:

"Microsoft Windows XP Professional /fastdetect"
"Microsoft Windows XP Home /fasdetect"
"Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional /fastdetect"

4.Take the checkmark out of the box for "Time to display a list of Operating Systems".

5.Click Apply and Ok, and reboot the system.

*If you wish to edit the boot.ini file manually, click on the button "EDIT"

Tired of Reinstalling Windows?

My Suggestions For A Better And Easier Computing:

-> First partition ur HDD as follows. C: (primary, bootable) 10GB, D: (ur choice), E: (10 GB)

-> Next install 2 OSs, it can be XP,XP or XP,9X. One OS in C: and other E:
Let OS in C:\ be called "TRASH" and that in E:\ be called "GOOD"

-> Boot into GOOD OS. Install all the important software (image viewer, winamp, winrar, acrobat, ms-office etc) in E:\program files\. Tweak all you settings, Install all the latest drivers, AV, service packs, patches etc and do the same for TRASH if you want! ALSO INSTALL THE IMAGING SOFTWARE.

-> Now boot to TRASH OS and move the "E:\Documents and Settings" to D:\ and change the default Desktop folder and My Documents folder to d:\doc & settings of TRASH OS. (right click on My Doc, Properties. There just change E: to D:\ or manually "MOVE") for changing desktop u need a tweak program (I use X-Setup, fast and free) NOW INSTALL THE IMAGING SOFTWARE.

-> Depending on ur requirements, allocate pace for D: (say 15 GB). Now OS in E: is the main OS is called GOOD (just for easy identification). and the OS in C:\ is standby and is called TRASH (again this is for easy identification)

DONT FORGET TO ON BOTH THE OS. (I use Paragon HDD Manager, it is fine. The compression is good)

-> Boot into GOOD OS. and change the default Desktop folder and My Documents folder to d:\documents and settings.

-> Boot into TRASH OS. Defragment E:. Now load the imaging program, take the image or save image to file (NOT DRIVE COPY) and store safely (if it is on secondary hdd it is good) or if dont have one, save it to different partition or save on CD.

For installing image viewer, winamp, winrar, acrobat, ms-office and other must have apps use the Program Files folder (E:\)

Now you are done!

Since documents and settings is in D:\, if u restore from image, your private files are NOT lost.
The OS in C: is TRASH and the OS in E: is GOOD. These are just labels for better identification.

Use E:\ OS or GOOD as your primary OS. After this install any software utls to D:\. Sort software in categories like video, audio, dvd, cd, internet, graphics, protection etc. and install each app in thier sub-folder under the category.

If anything goes bad, goto standby OS, load Imaging app, restore the E-drive.

How To Disable Picture And Fax Viewer

We all know that WinXP likes to keep itself held together, and how it doesnt like you uninstalling certain components. Well The Picture and Fax Viewer, is one of these programs which can cause problems if removed incorrectly. It can be disabled safely as follows:

[Start] [Run] type regedit and click [OK]

Navigate to :

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/ SystemFileAssociations/ image/ ShellEx/ ContextMenuHandlers

then delete the Folder ShellImagePreview under ContextMenuHandlers

Note: If you want to restore the Picture and Fax Viewer :

Create the ShellImagePreview folder and create the String Value (Default)
Assign it the value {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}

NOTE: This tweak doesnt uninstall the program. It removes the association and therefore it cannot be run.

Scheduled Tasks - Defrag, How to set up Scheduled Defrags

Scheduled Tasks - Defrag, how to set up scheduled defrags

oi m8s i figured this out because i ran into problems with trying to get windows task manager to defrag my hardrive at a certain time by only using built in tools.

Step 1

open up notepad (or favorite editor) and type:

defrag c:
defrag d:
defrag e:
defrag f:
defrag g:
defrag j:

make sure to change the drive letters to one that match your system. After you have customized the drive letters save the file as defrag_script.BAT or whatever is easy for you to remeber. Just make sure its a ".BAT" file. I saved the file into a dir in my documents called scripts but you can put it anywhere.

Step 2

Now that you have the script already made open your control panel and click on "Scheduled Tasks".

Select file>new>Scheduled Task

it should create a file on oin the window called "New Task" slect this and right click to properties.

In the run box click browse and navigate to your script. make sure that you run it with an account that has administrator rights otherwise it might not work.

Now select the schedule tab from the top and input the time and how often. I chose to urn it every noght however you could probably run it once a week and still be fine.

After yo uset the time and how often have a look in the settings tab and see if you need to change anything. Then click okay and your done!

you can also modify the script further by adding various operations on the ends of the defrag command:

-a Analyze Only
-f Force defragmentation even if free space is low
-v verbose output
-? Display help text

You can also pipe the command defrag to a log file if you want to see what went on the last time the script ran:

--this form will rewirte the log file erasing any previous info--
defrag x: -v > x:/logs/defrag_log.txt

--this form will append the new info to the end of the old--
defrag x: -v >> x:/logs/defrag_log.txt

Xp Remote Shutdown- Shut Down From Another PC

XP PRO has a lot of fun utilities. One of the most useful ones I have found to date is the ability to remotely reboot a PC. There are 2 ways of doing this. You will need to have admin access to the PC to preform these actions. That being said, here is the first way to do it:

Right click my computer, choose manage.
Highlight the Computer Management (Local) then click on Action, choose connect to another computer.
In the window that opens fill in the machine name of the PC you want to connect to and click ok.
Once connected right click on Computer Management (Remote machine name) and choose properties.

Go to the "Advanced" tab and click the Settings button under Start up and recovery.
Click on the Shutdown button.

Under action choose what you want to do (you can log off current user, shut down, restart, or power down. you can also choose if you want to force all applications to close, close hung apps, or wait for all apps to close by themselves).

The second way... Remember dos... that good old thing. Open up a command prompt and enter in the following:

%windir%\System32\shutdown.exe -r -m \\Machinename. The command prompt has more switches and options. I highly suggest using shutdown.exe /? to see all the posibilities.

Recover a Corrupted System File

If an essential Windows file gets whacked by a virus or otherwise corrupted, restore it from the Windows CD. Search the CD for the filename, replacing the last character with an underscore; for example, Notepad.ex_. If it's found, open a command prompt
and enter the command EXPAND, followed by the full pathname of the file and of the desired destination: EXPAND D:\SETUP\NOTEPAD.EX_ C:\Windows\NOTEPAD.EXE. If either pathname contains any spaces, surround it with double quotes.

If the file isn't found, search on the unmodified filename. It will probably be inside a CAB file, which Win XP treats as a folder. Simply right-drag and copy the file to the desired location. In other Windows platforms, search for a file matching *.cab that contains the filename. When the search is done, open a command prompt and enter EXTRACT /L followed by the desired location, the full pathname of the CAB file, and the desired filename; for example: EXTRACT /L C:\Windows D:\I386\ Notepad.exe. Again, if the destination or CAB file pathname contains spaces, surround it with double quotes.


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